
One way or another, simple or sophisticated, this is how it ends...

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Tired of the world...
Tired of hearing what people "want"...
But in reality, don't want...
Fed up of hearing about what people despise...
But in reality, can't live without...
Crooked is bad but "adorable"...
Righteous is great but "boring"...
When will humans really be honest about what they want in a relationship??????


  1. When they get to know themselves.

  2. Mas quem se debruça sobre si mesmo desse jeito? Quem tem coragem suficiente para entrar no seu próprio silêncio e admitir que as coisas são como são, sejam elas quais forem?

  3. Hello Maritza!
    I'll answer each comment separately hehehe..
    When do couples really get to know each other? I mean most couples spend their entire lives making up a character to please or to bear living with each other (or worse, to satisfy their own personal "second personality"). It sounds cruel I know, but I'm sure you know what I mean... I have heard one to many friends and students talking about how they take their relationships. And to my dismay, there are very few couples who I see living together honestly not to say happily. That doesn't mean it is impossible it just means, in my opinion, that most people don't take the effort they should to make it work...

  4. Hmmm I didn't see the most important word in your first comment... "Themselves" instead of "each other", my mistake... But I think deep inside we know ourselves, we just don't have the courage to live with that.. We make up beings to satisfy egos.

  5. Trying to answer the second comment (hehe).
    It’s difficult I know, but you see, although we are complex creatures, simplicity is the secret to a long lasting relationship (I’m not talking about monotony). Why do we have to make up beings to satisfy others when you could satisfy each other much easier if we were just who we were. Honesty and a good dialog are the keys! The effort it takes to create a new personality has a very high price. One thing is to basically adjust, adapt, give in, request, another thing is to fake or demand. A relationship is based on two sides that have to give in from time to time, to adjust constantly, and hear each other.
